If you search for “Agile Staffordshire” on Google you just end up with pictures of dogs. This has got to be changed.
Through creating a community of likeminded agile software developers we can raise the profile of our processes and practices with others in the area while helping each other to continually improve.
The group’s aims are to build a community to share ideas and enable newcomers to learn from those using Agile practices and processes. We want to provide a place for people to meet online, and in person, to discuss and learn about topics around the subject of Agile Software Development including:
- eXtreme Programming
- Kanban
- Scrum
- Software Craftsmanship
- Theory of Constraints
- Agile adoption and coaching
Meetings will be a mix of workshops, presentations, coding dojos and visits – we already have a few speakers lined up and plenty of code katas to try out.
Hi – see you have a meeting next week, would you be able to circulate the following Call for Participation for AgileNorth 2013? Thanks – Katie
Thursday 27th June 2013 – UCLan, Preston, Lancs
The AgileNorth Committee is inviting individuals or groups to submit presentation or workshop ideas for this year’s one day conference.
Interactive presentations are typically 1.5 hours with workshops up to 3 hours and should be based on some aspect of Agile product delivery.
Please submit brief details including title, description and indication of audience interaction by the deadline of Monday 8th April 2013 to kjtaylor@uclan.ac.uk
AgileNorth 2014 – Wednesday 11th June – UCLan, Preston
Call for Participation open until 28th April.